Monday, December 9, 2019

Strategies and Techniques, Cont.

Chapter 5
“Strategies and Quickchecks”

This chapter outlines how the space and atmosphere of a science classroom can influence a learner. Having life in the classroom by way of an aquarium or terrarium for children to observe stimulates their visual learning. I loved the idea of having critters in the classroom, children are naturally curious about animals and it could help frame their reference for their science learning. Encouraging scientific language and fostering collaboration are also good ways to create a scientific atmosphere. 

Chapter 6
“Assessment and Understand of Inquiry”

This chapter focused on how to assess inquiry based lessons. This involved a discussion on rubrics. Rubrics allow for a more flexible assessment that grades students on concepts rather than right and wrong answers. I like the idea of rubrics for a creative project or prompt because it alleviates the pressure of right and wrong. Another concept I took away from this chapter was the idea of science notebooks. Using children’s own ideas to informally assess their learning is a great tool. 

Chapter 7
“Integrating Science and Engineering”

This chapter was about how a teacher can integrate science into their curriculum. Many skills children learn in school can easily transfer over to a science lesson. Language skills and math skills are a logical bridge between science. However, social studies and the study of people can lead to questions about how to improve the lives of the people in their community and solve societal problems. Each way to integrate science involves the use of critical thinking and adaptive skills. Having science integrated in other parts of the curriculum will help children build a scientific framework that they can carry with them for the rest of their lives. 

Chapter 8
“Using Technology to Enhance Science Learning"

This chapter discusses how to integrate technology into science lessons. Some examples they provide is the interactive smart boards found in most classrooms and websites that allow you to look through a telescope in real time. I went to the website they suggested to view through a telescope and I was absolutely blown away. This is a free service provided by and I spent a while just viewing different things. This would be an amazing tool to bring into an earth science study or just as a resource available to kids.

Chapter 9
“Adapting the Science Curriculum”

Science class can be a troubling time for a student who is unable to express themselves in written language. There is a heavy language demand on communicating results and that can also be the factor you are graded on. In order to create a universal design for learning in science, a teacher must consider the unique needs of their students. Flexible grouping, grading on a rubric, and other methods will help students who are struggling to keep up with their peers. On the other end of the spectrum, high-achievers could be given the opportunity to go beyond and apply the information to more applications. Both groups of students would benefit from collaboration.

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Dear Readers read Doe reads

Dear Readers, Our semester has come to a close. It is time to reflect and be thankful. The leaves have fallen, the snow is here. Although ...