Wednesday, September 18, 2019

3rd class

I know what you are saying. Third class? Doe, where's class two?

It's not here. I did not write it.
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In between class 1, and class 3, I was a nervous wreck working on an assignment I did not fully understand. My previous two posts detail some of those assignments and the work I put in to complete them. That being said, man, am I an expert at the scientific method. I am an INQUIRY MASTER, a 5E aficionado, of sorts. 

Turns out, this was flipped learning. Trial by fire. 

At the beginning of class 3, we all presented our business pitches from the scientific method project and hooooo boy did I feel like I bombed. 

Fortunately, the group of people in my class are kind, gentle souls. It's hard to stand in front of your peers and they know that as well as I do. 

Anyway, I presented my poster relatively early in the firing line. I could see how we were using each other to build on our posters. I referred to the colleagues before me to know how my presentation should go. I felt like I had missed so much detail that every one else after me had included in theirs because they also used mine to expand upon their ideas. I can see this as being a helpful part of a learning environment, but I just wish I had the chance to add more to mine.

NEXT we presented our quizlet. We had some technical difficulties relating to the site. Moving forward, I would have students play quizlet individually, and kahoot collaboratively. All's well that ends well...

FINALLY, we presented on the methods of inquiry with my slides. It did not....go smoothly. Truly it was fine that my slides were incomplete and not properly formatted. I came to class with them, I was prepared to take criticism.

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In the week to come, I think I will have a better handle on the material. I will also have a set of expectations that I can use to further the weeks learning. Some things became more clear and the work load seems more manageable and understandable. I will take suggestions to heart and improve on the areas of need. 

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Doe, signing off. Look for me in the woods waiting for the leaves to change and trying to find my center. 

No really, where is fall?

1 comment:

  1. I don't have anything insightful to add, but I LOVED this blog. Made me crack up :)


Dear Readers read Doe reads

Dear Readers, Our semester has come to a close. It is time to reflect and be thankful. The leaves have fallen, the snow is here. Although ...